Tank to a cyberwar, hahaha! Exactly. Well said! This actually could be a whole series of lamentations, how to bring product introductions (I refuse to call them ads) into the viewfield of people, because what's happening now, doesn't work. I haven't watched "television" since 2003 (at least, not on purpose), and the lengths that I go just not too see any ads, anywhere, are interstellar. I'm sure I'm not alone. So the question remains. Ethical marketing, but how do you get the attention you need?

Great stuff, as always, Stanley!

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I have a suspicion that marketers hate ads more than the general public. And we hate bad ads more than anyone. Which is to say, I don't think ads are inherently unethical, but when we bug people with them who haven't the slightest clue why they're seeing our product, we're really missing the mark.

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